Vpiši ime, ki želiš da ga natisnemo na svinčnik:
Izberi besedilo iz seznama
Napiši svoje besedilo
Izberi spol
Izberi jezik in tip besedila
Ljubezenska besedila
Pozitivne misli
Materinski dan
Izberi besedilo
brez spoštovanja ni resnične ljubezni.
nisem verjela v ljubezen, dokler te nisem spoznala.
tvoja ljubezen je razlog, da vstanem vsako jutro.
ti nisi moja ljubezen, ti si moje življenje.
s tvojo ljubeznijo imam vse.
tvoj nasmeh. Moj nasmeh. Tako to gre.
obljubim ti, da te bom ljubila. Vedno.
izgledaš super fleten, ko se mi nasmeješ.
kaj je ljubezen sem ugotovila, ko sem te spoznala.
ljubezen je edina igra, ki se jo igrava oba in oba zmagava.
veliko je lepih zgodb ampak najina je najleša.
ljubezen se nikoli ne moti.
zaradi tebe sem postala boljši človek.
s tabo si želim biti vsako uro, vsakega dne.
midva, skupaj, za vedno.
vedno, vedno, vedno te bom ljubila.
želim le tebe in samo tebe.
zaljubim se vate, vsak dan, znova in znova.
moja ljubezen do tebe je neskončna.
rojena sem bil, da te ljubim in spoštujem.
ti si moj danes, jutri, ...
bolj kot razmišljam o tebi, bolj sem zaljubljena.
ljubim te, do lune in nazaj.
brez spoštovanja ni resnične ljubezni.
nisem verjel v ljubezen, dokler te nisem spoznal.
tvoja ljubezen je razlog, da vstanem vsako jutro.
ti nisi moja ljubezen, ti si moje življenje.
s tvojo ljubeznijo imam vse.
tvoj nasmeh. Moj nasmeh. Tako to gre.
obljubim ti, da te bom ljubil. Vedno.
izgledaš super fletna, ko se mi nasmeješ.
kaj je ljubezen sem ugotovil, ko sem te spoznal.
ljubezen je edina igra, ki se jo igrava oba in oba zmagava.
veliko je lepih zgodb ampak najina je najleša.
ljubezen se nikoli ne moti.
zaradi tebe sem postal boljši človek.
s tabo si želim biti vsako uro, vsakega dne.
midva, skupaj, za vedno.
vedno, vedno, vedno te bom ljubil.
želim le tebe in samo tebe.
zaljubim se vate, vsak dan, znova in znova.
moja ljubezen do tebe je neskončna.
rojen sem bil, da te ljubim in spoštujem.
ti si moj danes, jutri, ...
bolj kot razmišljam o tebi, bolj sem zaljubljen.
ljubim te, do lune in nazaj.
my paradise is you…
I didn`t believe in love at all before I met you!
your love is the only reason to wake up every morning.
you are my true love at first sight and forever.
you are not my love… You are my life.
with your love, I have everything.
the life is only in the place, where real love is.
real love never asks a reason for loving.
you smile, I smile. That’s how it works.
I promise I will love you till the end.
you look super cute when you smile.
life is the flower for which love is the honey.
you can’t blame gravity for falling in love.
if I know what love is, it is because of you.
love is a game that two can play and both win.
every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.
we accept the love we think we deserve.
love loves to love love.
love is friendship set on fire.
love is never wrong.
I love you a lottle, its like a little but a lot.
we were meant to be.
you make life worth living.
love is never for the weak.
stay with me until the end of time.
we go together like peas and carrots.
you got me. You got me good.
you make me a better person.
I just want to be with you every hour of every day.
I love you so very much.
I will always, always, always love you.
love is a two-way street.
I want you, and only you.
I fell in love with you over and over again.
I am so in love with you.
my love for you is unending.
I can't stop dreaming about you.
I was meant to love you.
nothing could stop me from loving you.
you are the only one on my mind.
you are my today and all of my tomorrows
take me as I am, loving you.
love at first sight.
you're on my mind, baby.
inside and out, you're perfect to me.
dream big. Think big. Believe big.
learn to enjoy every minute of your life.
you can do it!
there are no limits to success.
a goal without a plan is just a wish.
try and fail, but dont't fail to try.
if you can dream it, you can do it.
don't stop until you're proud.
there are no limits to success.
be good to people for no reason.
be the light that helps others see.
be happy, be bright, be you. Have a great day!
create your own sunshine.
life happens. Coffee helps.
move mountains.
expect nothing. Appreciate everything.
focus on the good.
the best is yet to come.
enjoy every moment.
positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life.
Mami, hvala za oprano prerilo.
Mami, pri tebi se počutim kot v hotelu.
Mami, hvala ker mi vedno stojiš ob strani.
Mami, hvala ker si. Najboljša.
Mami, hvala za vedno spodbudne besede.
Mami, hvala za nepozabne trenutke.
Mami, hvala za ljubezen, ki mi jo izkazuješ.
Mami, razumeš me, tudi ko molčim.
Mami, zaradi tebe sem to, kar sem.
Mami, hvala za življenske napotke.
Ni težje naloge na svetu, kot biti mama. Čestitam.
Mami, na tebe se lahko vedno zanesem.
Mami, moj uspeh je tvoj uspeh.
Mami, hvala! Zaradi tebe tako dobro izgledam.
Mama je ena sama.
Mami, hvala za vse kar si storila zame. Rada te imam.
Mami, hvala za vse kar si storila zame. Rad te imam.
There is nothing as sincere as a mother's kiss.
God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.
My mother is a walking miracle.
A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go.
Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.
Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
The best place to cry is on a mother's arms.
A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's.
It's not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.
The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom.
I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.
The daughter prays; the mother listens.
A mother is always the beginning. She is how things begin.
I got to grow up with a mother who taught me to believe in me.
Mom.... You’re the best! Thanks for all you do.
Thank you for always being there, Mom.
Because of you, I am me.
Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a mother.
Nothing is really lost until you can’t find it.
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
All that I am or hope to be, I owe to you.